good mental health

Interview with Brazillian metal legends Melyra – February 2019

Posted on: March 2nd, 2019 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Ola friends. I just interviewed Brazillian heavy metal legends Melyra via email. Not only are they a brutal and musically skilled band, they are a delight to talk with. Read on – 

Ola Melyra! Welcome to Metal Health and thanks for being here.

Firstly, congratulations for recently being recognised as number one band out of the top five female bands for the website O subsolo. Wow!

Fe: Thank you Greg! And Thanks a lot for having us for this interview, we are very happy about it!

What does good mental health mean to you?

Fe: Good mental health for us is when you are happy with who you are. Even though we all have problems, when you are sure you’re in the right path and you’re sure about your beliefs you can rest your head on the pillow at night and wake up the other day ready to fight.

–  How is life for you off the road or when you’re not gigging? Especially after a tour or big event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road? If so, how do you adjust/cope?

Fe: Well, all of us have other occupations beside music. So, for us, is easy to change from “musician mode” to “regular people” mode when we’re not playing because we do it often.

What motivates you? What keeps you going?

Fe: MUSIC! We’re passionate for music and we love what we do. To be at the stage and know that the songs we’ve created touched someone’s life is the best sensation ever!

Are you all positive thinkers? How do you stay positive?

Fe: In general, yes we are. As I said before, we all have problems though. The beauty of being a band is that, when one of us is down, the other always help this one to cheer up again. We always see each other as family.

Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/did you get through this.

Fe: Everybody knows that we’re experiencing tough times here in Brazil. We all have been into financial crises during the past/current year. To overcome this we always rely on each other. In this band we see each others as sisters, we feel comfortable to talk about our issues and we help each others to solve them.

What does making music mean to you? Why do you do it?

Fe: When we make music, we are the best version of ourselves. It’s how we express our feelings and feel free. We do it so we can spread our message to the world and, maybe, help other people to feel better about life and inspire them to find their better selves.

I know the band formed in 2012, but when did you  start making music individually? Was it like finding some buried treasure that you didn’t know you had, and how did making music fit in with the rest of your life?

Fe: I always loved music, but I only started to play the guitar in my 20’s. Before Melyra, I had another band where I helped as a songwriter, but was still trying to find my way to do it. I think Melyra helped me to show my best to the world.

Nena: I come from a musicians family, my father was a guitar palyer and songwriter and I used to join him in rehearsals and saw him playing all the time. My house and my relatives’ houses were always full of music, so it was very natural to me.

Roberta: My family is also full of musicians and my mom is a songwriter so I live this life since I was young. I saw her making music, learned how she did it and it was automatically taking part of myself. I’ve improved it over time and keep improving it every day.

Verônica: I sing since I’m little girl at the church. Around 8 years ago I was at a Karaoke night with my friends and I met a maestro and two musicians there. Since that I started to sing professionally. I’ve played several different styles and made a lot of friends on that road. Nowadays I live for music!

Drika: My father and almost all his family are musicians. My love for music comes from the childhood. Sundays were the best days, when my dad was at home, because he used to watch his jazz VHS and I was fascinated by the drummer’s brushes. I’ve started to play drums at 8 years old and it was all very natural. In 2002, the drummer of my father’s gospel band left the band and I said that I would replace him. I knew all the songs and watched all the rehearsals at the drummer’s side. I just loved it! And so it was. The first time I played, people liked it and I was the drummer for my father’s band for a while, until I had my own band.

I have just been listening to your  new album ‘Saving you from reality’ and some live performances on your website. Veronica, you are badass with such a great strong vocal tone. Lot’s of body and depth, and when you go high, it’s something else again! How do you look after your voice? I love the single ‘Dead light’ and the lyrics. ‘A black spot with dead light’. I can relate to that in times past!

Verônica: Thanks a lot for the compliment! I study a lot ! I’m very tough with myself. The voice is an instrument you can’t replace so it needs lots care and attention, avoiding things like cigarettes, alcohol, acid foods, etc. Besides that, I take lyrical singing lessons, that helps me to reach and sustain the notes, keep in tune and breathe better witch helps me to take care of my voice.

Strong, blistering and precise guitar work from Fe and Roberta, and also from the solid grooving rhythm section.

Roberta:  I love playing with Fernanda! We have an unexplainably perfect tuning. The way we connect helps a lot when it comes to writing guitar themes because we fill each others ideas. She inspires me this mutual feeling and we both understand the most important thing that is studying our instruments.

Drika, I look forward to hearing you on the next record. How are you settling into the band?

Drika: It’s very easy to set into Melyra! I’ve just came across four women that know what they want and what they want to reach, with an amazing potential to get all of our goals. What fascinated me, besides the high standards in music, feeling, geniality and love for music, was exactly that. We don’t wait for things to happen, we make them happen. This, for me, is the magical element that will take us wherever we want to go.

Nena, i note you play fingerstyle. Do you prefer the tone it gives, as opposed to a plectrum? You really drive it hard!

Nena: I like to play with my finger because it sounds wider and it fits me better. And the unique feeling of my fingers touching the strings fascinates me! Although I have no problem with the ones that choose to play with a pick, I’d rather use my fingers.

Why do you all play and sing? Is it simply the opportunity for self expression?

Fe: Our producer (Celo Oliveira) did an amazing job with the vocal section of the album. You can hear many different vocals recorded at the album. We really love them so we wanted to make our live performances as close as we can to the album. It costed us hours of rehearsal to make it happen, but we think it payed off in the end.

– Sim, the production and sound Celo and you all achieved on this record is astonishing. It’s a first rate performance and production. How important is it for the bass guitar and drums to be tight, and where do you see the guitars and voice fitting in the groove?  

Drika: To me, it seems like the drums without a bass guitar loses it’s magic. When we rehearse and Nena’s bass is too low I get nervous, trying to give more weight and feeling to the song but it simply DOESN’T HAPPEN! I need Nena to hold myself as a drummer. The bass guitar is the base of our kitchen and the guitars and voices are our special ingredients.

How was the recording process for your last record? Did you bang it down live, or record an instrument at a time etc? 

Fe: We’ve recorded the album at Kolera home studio, here in Rio, with Celo Oliveira as our producer. The album was recorded one instrument at a time at the studio. First drums, then rhythm  guitars, bass guitars, guitar solos and at last the lead vocals and backing vocals. It was mixed and mastered by Celo Oliveira at Kolera studios too.

So what are your plans?  Some more touring or any dates you can mention?  

Fe: We are negotiating a few dates here in Brazil for the next months. And yes, we intend to tour and take our music as far as we can.

Any other projects musical or otherwise happening?

Verônica: I’m part of other two musical projects. Six years ago I’ve joined Biographia54, a pop rock/alternative band that plays brazilian 80’s music. I also sing at a lyrical group, called Chão de Folhas, that focus on the lyrical circuit events.

Ok, last question. What would you say to fans who are struggling with their mental health, or doing it tough at the moment?

Fe: Keep strong! We know life ain’t easy sometimes and we have to face challenges all the time. Always talk to someone you trust, let them know how you feel and ask for support. Your life matters to us!


Obrigada  Melyra for taking the time to talk with us. I hope we see you in Australia sometime! Wishing you safe travels, and all the best with the upcoming shows. Greg \Mh/.

Verônica: Our pleasure, Greg! We want to thank you for this great interview and for all your attention. We’re looking forward to show our music in Australia! We also want to invite everyone to follow our social media channels and to listen to our new album, “Saving you from reality”. We are at Facebook, Instagram, Youtube (look for @melyraband) and at your favorite streaming service too. Thanks a lot!


Thanks mi amiga’s!  Check out this amazing band at sites mentioned above, and also at links below –

Facebook –

You tube channel –

Happy new year 2019!

Posted on: January 6th, 2019 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Happy new year everyone.

We have some rippa interviews lined up for 2019 so stay tuned. A New year  can be  an opportunity for new beginnings, or just tweaking a few areas in our lives we’ve been meaning to look at. Metalhealth wishes you and your loved ones a healthy, peaceful and fulfilling 2019.

Get some self care in daily.

Take it easy out there. Greg \MH/

Interview with Genevieve Rodda from Temtris. March 2018

Posted on: March 22nd, 2018 by Greg Jordan No Comments

I had a yap yesterday with lead singer Genevieve Rodda of Australian metal band Temtris. When you listen to Genevieve sing, she is such a powerhouse and strong life force. As you will discover here, music is a huge part of who she is.

 G’day Genevieve. Welcome to Metal Health and thanks for being here.

No problem at all 🙂

 What does good mental health mean to you?

For me it is all about a balanced life. I like to keep fit and i train Krav Maga once a week which is a street smart self defense system. I run at least twice a week to de-stress. I feel good when i eat well and try to follow a healthy diet 5 days a week but let myself relax on the weekends. I like to work hard but i like to party hard too and let loose with my friends at a show with a few vodkas.

 How is life for you off the road or when you’re not gigging? Especially after a tour or big event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road? If so, how do you adjust/cope?

I love gigging but it is stressful leaving my kids so when i am home i try to make the most of that time. We recently have had a break from shows and i am missing not singing live. We would all love to be able to live the touring scene but the reality is most musicians need a day job to survive. I work at a special needs school and it really gives you a good perspective on how awesome my life is when you see disadvantaged kids day after day.

 What motivates you? What keeps you going?

I am not very good at sitting still, i am a doer. But i do like to set goals and move forward and push myself in most things and i do not like to quit. If someone said i couldn’t do it that would make me chase it even more. My love for the metal scene keeps me striving and moving forward. Music is a great way to get anyone motivated even when you are having a bad day.

There have been times when i wondered if i should stop creating music and gigging but i think i would feel like some of my soul would be missing if i did that.

 Are you a positive thinker? How do you stay positive?

Yes i am. We all get down at times. I do believe things happen for a reason within reason and i always wait to see what the outcome is before i let it get to me or i will put on some metal and sing my lungs out, it always helps.

 Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/did you get through this.

Been through my share like most people. I have had to part with so called friends who have treated me badly and abused my friendship. They thought that this was ok, It was not easy at the time to remove long term friends from my life and it helped to have a close friends i could talk to. Remembering that it won’t be like this forever and trying to focus on things to move forward and appreciating the good things in our life helps.

 What does making music mean to you? Why do you do it?

I like to write about life experiences and quite a few of our albums have been concept albums so we have themes we can write too. But it is the creation of the album including artwork, songs and the whole story coming together that i enjoy.

 When did you start making music individually and as a band? Was it like finding some buried treasure that you didn’t know you had, and how did making music fit in with the rest of your life?

I have been writing music from about 13 years of age when i started learning guitar. I use to like sitting in my room just playing guitar and putting together songs. I joined my first band at 14 and did my first gig then also. I decided after that first show that this was what i wanted to do and had a goal to be known as an Australian female metal singer in a professional band. After 4 albums and a fifth one on the way it has not always been easy continuing while raising two children and working but when your doing something that you love nothing can stand in your way, even time lol

 How important is it for the bass guitar and drums to be tight, and where do you see guitar and voice fitting in the groove.

A band should be tight and work as a team. We work really hard on our song structure to make the vocals work with the guitars. The song needs emotion to be able to convey to an audience

 i was just listening to Awakening from your first album, and Enter the asylum from the 4th record. I love your vocal approach. You convey a strong sense of purpose and really project the lyric.

Why do you sing? Is it simply the opportunity for self expression?

I want to be strong , i train to be strong and i guess i want be seen as a strong female in the metal scene so when i sing, i sing with conviction because i mean it.

 How was  the recording process for your last record? Did you bang it down live, or record an instrument at a time etc?

Drums and vocals were recording in Main Street studios Wollongong. The guitars were recorded in the guitarists own studios.

 So what are your plans? Some more touring or any dates you can mention? I believe album number 5 is coming out soon?

Next gig is the 5th May at The Bald Faced Stag Sydney. Our album Launch for the 5th album is set for later in the year if all goes as planned.

 Any other projects musical or otherwise happening?

All my focus is always on Temtris and always has been.

 Ok, last question. What would you say to fans who are struggling with their mental health, or doing it tough at the moment?

Talk to someone, find something you enjoy doing and focus on that. Surround yourself with positive people and don’t feel guilty about looking after yourself and saying NO!

Smile and remember tomorrow, things can get better.

 Thanks for taking the time to talk with us Genevieve. Wishing you safe travels, and all the best with the upcoming shows. Greg \Mh/.

Been great chatting with you and thanks \m/

Look out for album # 5 and upcoming shows. Links to band pages –

Interview with Stuart Wood from the Giants. March 2018

Posted on: March 14th, 2018 by Greg Jordan 2 Comments

Today i had the pleasure of interviewing Giants lead singer Stuart Wood. Stu is an Australian music legend and is about to embark on a tour of the north of Australia with the Repeat Offenders.

– G’day Stu. Welcome to Metal Health and thanks for being here.

– What does good mental health mean to you?

I guess just being able to cope with everyday life and all it throws at you both good and bad .

– How is life for you off the road or when you’re not gigging? Espe-cially after a tour or big event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road? If so, how do you adjust/cope?

There is always a come down period after touring, especially re adjusting to home after touring overseas. Friends and family are the best asset we have in this case.

What motivates you? What keeps you going?

My love of music has always kept me going, I knew from a very early age that I was different, growing up in a country town where everything revolved around sport, I tried to conform and played footy and basketball but I knew deep inside that my heart just wasn’t in it , music however could take me to that special place where only I and other like minded musicians could go, and still does to this day!

– Are you a positive thinker? How do you stay positive?

Most definitely a positive thinker lol , in my line of work you have to be! Mainly because my band has existed for 36 years, made 16 Albums, 4 DVDs , spent 5 years touring the USA, 15 years touring Europe and all of this was created by me personally, no agents, no publicists, no management at all, and its still that way to this day !

– That’s an incredible track record!

Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/how did you get through this.

Ha ha I could write a book about tough times lol , born illegitimate the day after my mothers 18th birthday , mistreated by my stepfather , taken away from my mother for my own safety and raised by my grand parents ! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg lol .Music played a very big role in my early teenage years and looking back probably saved me from a life of crime lol,  I joined an outlaw motor-cycle club for 9 years as a substitute for family, but music took me away from that cos of its stronger pull. Lucky for me! Lol. As I said I could write a book on tough times but in the end you have to just be tough and work through it.

– What does making music mean to you? Why do you do it?

Music is my life, I cant imagine living without it, the places it has taken me and the friends I have made because of it is just awesome.

– When did you start making music? Was it like finding some buried treasure that you didn’t know you had, and how did making music fit in with the rest of your life?

Started out playing covers like most people do , then Wayne Burt (ex Daddy Cool , Jo Jo Zep , Black Sorrows) joined my band and he already was a renowned songwriter , he showed me the way in my learning curve about expressing myself thru songwriting. When we became an original band writing our own songs the world opened its doors for us .

– How important is it for the bass guitar and drums to be tight, and where do you see guitar and voice fitting in the groove?

The hardest thing to find in Australia is a rhythm section that works together lol , in the USA especially in Nashville Tn , where incidently we had the main street Broadway shut down so we could perform there , the drums and bass are like one holding the groove of the song together . The secret of the Nashville sound was revealed to me from Bruce Bossert (Nashville PA and Stage) when he told me in a live mix situation the hi-hats and and Acoustic guitar sits dead centre in the the mix and everything works off them! For me a song is a story , guitar solos compliment the story for a short time , but its all about the story and how well the singer puts it across.

– Some great insight right there. How was the recording process for your last record? Did you bang it down live, or record an instrument at a time etc?

Lol we just finished one recorded in my garage put down basically live.

– Cool! Look forward to hearing it. So what are your plans? Some more touring or any dates you can mention? I know you’re about to tour with the Repeat Offenders. You and the fans must be looking forward to that!

We go north every year to the NT , to get outa Melbournes winter lol and yes we look forward to that

– Any other projects musical or otherwise happening?

Not really. Australia is just full on tribute band country now and I want to travel back to europe again to catch up with my musical mates there before I get too old lol, maybe next year!

– Ok, last question! What would you say to fans who are struggling with their mental health, or doing it tough at the moment?

My brother Bruce took his own life 12 years ago, I lived 5 mins from him, he didn’t call for help, destroyed my mother and his family, he was gone, only left pain, broken hearts and sadness and anger behind, so TALK TO SOMEONE !!

– Thanks for taking the time to talk with us Stu. Wishing you safe travels, and all the best with the upcoming shows. Greg \Mh/.

Look out for Stu’s latest album ‘Songs from Mataranka homestead 2.

Links to band


Heavy metal is good for our mental health

Posted on: February 23rd, 2018 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Greetings everyone,

We know metal is good for us, and here’s a news story from Australia’s ABC news supporting this. Well done to Liam Frost-Camilleri for organising the Beyond black gig in Ballarat, Australia which saw bands raise money for the mental health organisation Beyond blue. Here’s the link to the story – Greg \MH/

Welcome 2018!

Posted on: February 12th, 2018 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Hello reader. Happy new year! I hope it’s a healthy one for ya. Some quotes from a couple of artists to kick things off…..

  • “Stupidity can win for a moment, but it can never really succeed because the nature of humans is to seek freedom. Rulers can delay that freedom, but they cannot stop it.”
    Ai Weiwei
  • “I was always doing my own things. I always wondered why there are books, with photographs of all the artists of that period, and I was only in one! I thought: where was I? But I never was there. I was somewhere else.”
    Cy Twombly
  • “I tell young people that the greatest paintings in museums are made with minerals mixed in oil schmeared on cloth with the hair from the back of a pig’s ear. It’s that simple.”
    James Rosenquist

Take it easy out there. Greg \MH/