Love child

Interview with Dennis Val, guitarist from Love Child. January 2017.

Posted on: January 13th, 2017 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Greetings reader. I hope all’s well with you. This week i spoke with Dennis Val, guitarist from Australian rockers Love Child……..


– Welcome to Metal health Dennis. Thanks for being here.

Hi Greg.

– Congratulations on the release and success of your current single ‘Watching the river flow’ from your album ‘A whole lotta sassy’, reaching number 1 on the USA indie charts recently, along with ‘A whole lotta sassy’ hitting number 1 on Aussie indy radio! I bet you’re all chuffed. 

Oh yea we’re very excited, still quite a few mountains to cross, Australia is very difficult to get acknowledged but our crowds just keep growing. Consistent live shows have sharpened the band and never under estimate word of mouth for getting punters to gigs.

We’re far more accepted and bragged about overseas, where they think were the largest independent band in the country. Were hoping to get some major radio support, no luck as yet, but that would be the key to generating more income to allow more material to be recorded and get us over to tour the States and Europe.

– What does good mental health mean to you?

It’s quite important, and at times challenging. I’m very blessed to have 3 other guys in the band who support me. It’s not easy staying focused with all the negatives in the industry but you must not ponder on the bad and just focus on the good, but it can be hard. Being a song writer means your creative and your brain is active, and more often than not it’s over active. This can be dangerous to your mental health!

– Indeed. Having some focus and support is a huge help. How is life for you off the road or when you’re not gigging? Especially after a tour or big event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road? If so, how do you adjust/cope? 

200 gigs a year, numerous sessions, learning new material, constantly improving as a musician feels like there is no down time. I’m learning to have days off, I just switch the world off, and my close friends allow me time where I have no contact.

After a gruelling tour is the worst, you have extreme highs and come back to normality, you are physically exhausted and the mental exhaustion and you’re on a roller coaster, makes sleep very difficult. I’m aware of what’s going on so the first thing I do is watch a movie, usually Senfield re runs as a good laugh is the best medicine. I find exercise is therapeutic and inspirational, it also helps you sleep better.

– Agree on the exercise. I’m a runner and it really helps keep me  balanced mentally. What motivates you? What keeps you going? 

I think the joy and high of being able to express yourself to others via an instrument is rewarding and spiritual. I’m not a machine, I don’t play like a robot, I express myself from inside when I play, its different every night, and that freedom , call it channelling if you like, is my drive for playing. I never picked up an instrument for fame, or some vision of backing someone famous. I picked it up out of love for the instrument. It’s genetic , everyone in my past has been a musician, from both family sides maternal and paternal. This is something I recently discovered and gave me great comfort , I thought I was crazy and stubborn. I just want to leave a body of work behind when I leave this place, you know ”this is what I gave back to mother nature after my time here is finished”..sounds crazy but I would like to know my time here left a mark.

– Love that attitude. Are you a positive thinker? How do you stay positive?

Extremely positive and highly motivated, however you can easily be tipped over by negative forces and following the wrong path. I get rid of negative people quickly, I suffer no fools. I sometimes get side trapped, you get a little look at the industry where some people are doing so well. You quickly realise you need to stay on your path, it’s a difficult path, but I can hold my head high and say I’m a leader and not a follower, and that’s the price I must pay for not selling out.

So staying positive for me means allowing the negatives to creep up, throwing them away and staying proud of yourself!!!

– Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/did you get through this.

Many tough times, read my lyrics. I’m only ok talking about it with people I trust and my personal life is quite private. My lyrics usually expose myself so maybe readers should check out the music. As Steve our singer has said they are ‘’wear your heart on your sleeves’’ lyrics.

I’ve had 2 or 3 enormous losses, one being my father a long time ago, and it still hurts and comes back to haunt me ( that’s about as much as I would like to share) however I know that time heals everything. I have a strategy where I visually imagine myself a year from now, and ask how important and what impact will this event have a year down the track, the answer is usually in front of you , no one will give it a second thought. Throwing yourself into a future frame of mind eases the load.

Watching the river flow is about dealing with great loss, but watching the water flow is very calming. Its true meaning though is that like any problem it flows away to the sea and becomes nothing eventually.

I’m very fortunate to have a good mate in the band , Garry, he has been a rock, and I try to support him as well. It’s great to have someone who listens without judgement. I’ve been in some dark places, and lets say I mixed with the wrong crowd, but Garry was there all the time, so you need to trust in someone!

Friends if you have problems don’t be ashamed, talk and listen, that’s the best advise I can offer.

– I agree with you. Talking and sharing how we are feeling can be a lifesaver. Connection with others. I enjoyed listening to your current single ‘Watching the river flow’. How was the recording process for the single and current album? Did you bang it down live, or record one instrument at a time etc? 

Good question, I need to elaborate. We had about 8 or 9 songs recorded and we decided to release 12. Time was running out so I bought “Watching the River Flow” into the studio. All our rhythm beds are done live to save money but most important to capture it live. The other guys had no idea and I convinced them it was a hit. We played it, and then I said ok let’s get a swinging groove. James and Garry as a rhythm section are about the best in Australia for this style they just get it. An hour later the engineer hit record and that’s what you hear. I laid my guitars and solo’s that afternoon. When mixing time came we had transferred the files to another studio, our producer Sammy Kannis suggested a few edits, like pulling the band out in the post chorus. Steve was called in and laid it down in 2 or 3 takes

– So what are the bands future plans? Some more recording, touring or any dates you can mention? I see you have some Sydney dates coming up. 

We have some huge plans, we have many Sydney dates but are careful to not overplay so we knock back quite a few, it’s a very delicate balance.

We have a great Manager in Johnny Kannis, who fronted the Hitmen, and knows the industry here and the States , inside out.

We are treading carefully as the industry is watching us and want to make the right moves to ensure our longevity.

– Any other projects musical or otherwise happening? 

Yes quite a few, as you are aware I play many solo acoustic gigs, playing percussion with my feet while I sing. I enjoy these but they are demanding and I miss my electric guitar. I play in a blues rock band called weekend detention and that is extremely satisfying and demanding.

– Ok, last question. What would you say to fans who are struggling with their mental health, or doing it tough at the moment?

You are not alone, the best advise I could give, especially to teenagers who have not had many experiences is…whatever your hurting about now, whatever you’ve done that is embarrasing or you think irreparable…will anyone remember in one year. Is it worth losing something now for a reason that won’t matter in 6 months. Turn off face book and Instagram, go find a tree in a park and look at the clouds and remember that’s important. Nature has an amazing affect to your health and well being, stay grounded!!

Listen to music that has depth and meaning, great artists are troubled people too, just like the rest of us. Listen to their journey, if you relate to it, then it’s ok to shed a tear, that is all healing.

– Good stuff. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us Dennis. We wish you and the band safe travels, and congratulations to you all on the new record.

Greg M/H.


Some links to Love Child’s music.