heavy metal blog

Cool Quotes for today

Posted on: June 24th, 2017 by Greg Jordan No Comments

Some quotes for today –

“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
– ­Anne Frank.
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
– Marcus Aurelius
“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.”
– Elizabeth Gilbert

And from The Samurai Musashi in the year 1645.  –

Musashi, the greatest samurai, later a deeply feeling student of the Buddha, and much later the subject of the awesome Samurai Trilogy starring Toshiro Mifune…set down 21 Rules to Live by. Here they are.

1. Accept everything just the way it is.
2. Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.
3. Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a partial feeling.
4. Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.
5. Be detached from desire your whole life long.
6. Do not regret what you have done.
7. Never be jealous.
8. Never let yourself be saddened by a separation.
9. Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others.
10. Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.
11. In all things have no preferences.
12. Be indifferent to where you live.
13. Do not pursue the taste of good food.
14. Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.
15. Do not act following customary beliefs.
16. Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.
17. Do not fear death.
18. Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.
19. Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help.
20. You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.
21. Never stray from the Way.”
~ Miyamoto Musashi

Be well reader. Greg \MH/

Thunder Spell. Metal from Brazil! Interview January 2017.

Posted on: January 24th, 2017 by Greg Jordan No Comments

– Hello Thunder Spell. Welcome to Metalhealth and thanks for being here.

– What does good mental health mean to you?

That to say this of well with the life and to itself, to seek to balance the good things of the life, health and leisure are the excential in this chemistry, to practice sport, to have a healthy life, and very good, to listen to very heavy metal also helps, that leaves the Healthy mind, you can be sure.

–  How is life for you off the road or when you’re not gigging? Especially after a tour or big gig/event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road? If so, how do you adjust/cope?

Outside the road and the shows we live a very normal life, we have our professions outside the life of heavy metal musician, we work to maintain a good life, among other things, family, friends, etc. No, before we travel, we leave everything ready for our absence, we try to anticipate our tasks as much as possible, so that when we return we have not delayed much and neither prejudiced our tasks during our trips.

– What motivates you? What keeps you going?

Many things, but I think the main motivation is to be able to show our work to other people, meet new people, and meet people who like our music, our band, that’s priceless. We continue for this reason and the will will crazy and eternal will play heavy metal, this keeps the band. This ideal, we fight for it, to keep the flame of the metal burning.

– Are you a positive thinker? How do you stay positive?

Yes. As I say, forward ball that comes back people eating hot dog, I always think of the future, entrepreneurial vision, expand with new ideas, new horizons. You always have to think about the solution and not the problem, I think to be optimistic This is it, problems will always exist, it is up to you to let them be defeated by them or not, I do not let them defeat me.

– Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/did you get through this.

I believe that even for those who have everything, it becomes difficult not to have difficulties, which ends up becoming a difficulty. We are not different from anyone, we have gone through many difficulties, but always trying to solve the best way possible. As I said before, always thinking of the solution, if you give in to the problems when they arise you are already born defeated, dead, we are born To win, we will not surrender, surrender for anything, alias we will not surrender for nothing, metal to death, this is philosophy of life, win, aim for victory and persist in their goals, their achievements, until the world Become small for them.

– What does making music mean to you? Why do you do it?

It represents a personal satisfaction in being able to show people what you love, to make music and to play them is very rewarding, to know that people like what you did, to have the satisfaction of having done something special. Because it’s what we like to do, we only think about composing, playing heavy metal, every day, it’s our addiction, our poison, it leaves us poisonous too, always wanting to do more and more, playing heavy metal is everything, we do not think Stop

– You have a new album coming out called Battle Scream. Do you have a release date for the album? How was the recording process for this record? Did you bang it down live, or record one instrument at a time etc? 

In fact we have already released it, we are now releasing this album and doing shows to show our new work, and this has been very gratifying, because the recording process was quite long, we recorded in two studios, but in the end it came out as wanted agent , Well worth the wait. We recorded each instrument and voice one at a time, we had some unforeseen ones too, so it was time consuming.

– Congratulations! So what are your plans with Battle Scream?  Some more touring or any dates you can mention? I see you have some big shows coming up.  Any other projects musical or otherwise happening?

Currently we are doing shows here in our country, but soon we hope to play in other countries, including in Europe because at the moment, we are not much time to make a great tour, but we are playing in major festivals here in Brazil, such as Maniacs metal Meeting, one of the biggest festivals in the south of the country, we had the honor of playing it, but we are organizing to do a very nice tour. yes, we are in a tribute to the English Raven band, with the music Fire Power, and now we are going Participate in a tribute to the Motorhead with the song one night stand, this for us was a special step for the band.

– Ok, last question. What would you say to fans who are struggling with their mental health, or doing it tough at the moment?

Do not let them down, try always to give your best in everything, always try to overcome each day, more and more, seeking the good vibes that heavy metal and other things can give you, do not grieve your heart , Metal is for the strong, if you listen and identify with that sound, you are a strong person, you are a winner, even if you do not know, seek the warrior that sleeps inside you, wake the beast, make him shout to Everyone hear, and know that you are a winner. Do not give up on your dreams, do not give up on heavy metal, it will never give up on you, heavy metal will never die.

– Thank you Thunder Spell for taking the time to talk with us. Let’s hope we can see you in Australia soon! Safe travels, and all the best with the album and your future plans.

Greg \MH/.


Band links –









Mental health week 9th – 15th October 2016.

Posted on: October 11th, 2016 by Greg Jordan No Comments

G’day reader,

World mental health day 2016 is on October 10th, and Mental health week here in Oz runs from 9-15th October. So, a bit more info and conversation about mental health from governments and mental health services than usual. However this is a conversation that we must continue to have throughout the year, not just during mental health week. Take it easy.


Greg \MH/


Movember 2014! Men’s health month.

Posted on: November 13th, 2014 by Greg Jordan 2 Comments

Greetings reader,

I hope all is well there with you. This month of November is  also known as “Movember”, a month where we focus on Men’s health. A good thing to do every day. Here is some info from the Movember website.



“From 30 Mo Bros in Melbourne, Australia in 2003 to 4 million Mo’s by 2013, Movember, through the power of the moustache, has become a truly global movement that is changing the face of men’s health.
– 4,027,688 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas since 2003
– AUS $580 million raised since 2003
– 770 men’s health projects funded since 2003
– Participating countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, – France, Hong Kong, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South – – – Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA
– The Movember Foundation accepted the Social Force of the Year award from GQ magazine.”
It’s not too late to grow a mo and support a bro. I’ve got a handlebar look going on! For more info, click on the link below.


In Melbourne Australia, a forum on International Men’s Day for those wanting to improve the Health & Wellbeing of Men in the Western Suburbs. Presented by the Melton-Brimbank Men’s health network which is a  pro-active grassroots organisation full of useful, relevant resources in the west. Details below from their flyer:


“This positive, practical, interactive forum will consider the current health & wellbeing outcomes relating to men, how local men fare compared with other areas, and what this evidence indicates. It will further explore priorities in addressing local men’s needs, how health & community organisations can better engage local men, what resources already exist to support this, and the potential benefits and opportunities for local service providers and communities”.


Where: Brimbank Men’s Shed @ UnitingCare Lentara 32 Withers Street, Sunshine


Date: Wednesday 19th November, 2014 – 9.45 am to 12.30 pm (arrive 9.30am)


Cost: Nil. Refreshments and lunch provided.

On the interview front, there is more coming up. I’m currently editing a podcast i did with Technical death metal band Hadal Maw.

Take it easy out there.

Greg \Mh/