coffee jingle records

Interview with Martin Wake of Coffee Jingle Records.

Posted on: September 14th, 2016 by Greg Jordan No Comments

 Greetings reader. Here is an interview i did with UK based record company owner Martin Wake via email on 5th September 2016. As always, the topic is…..What does good mental health mean for you? Thanks Martin!


  • Hello Martin from Coffee Jingle Records in the UK. Welcome to Metalhealth and thanks for being here. 


No worries, pleasure to be speaking to you.


  • Your Facebook page says you launched your record label on October 1st 2012, so 4th anniversary coming up eh? Happy birthday in advance and congratulations! What led you to create a record label? 


Its something I have wanted to do for years and once I went into College I started planning it. Then when I went to University they gave me the confidence to start it up and I did that at my last year at University and am still doing it to this day, along side producing which was my qualifcation at University.


  • What does good mental health mean for you? 


Its very important and I believe its more important then physical health as I believe your mental state influences your physical state. But sadly mental health is much harder for other people to understand then physical health, as mental health for the most part it is unseen to everyone. When I have a good mental state I work harder and my productivity goes up.


  • This question is probably more directed at artists who tour, but you look like a man who might’ve travelled a bit. If so, how is life for you after a business trip or big event, is it difficult to adjust back into life at home after time on the road, or an exciting gig? If so, how do you adjust/cope? 


Its mainly a struggle to get rid of the adrenaline which is stored in the body and when it gets late you worry if your going to get a good nights sleep. One of the best ways to get rid of extra adrenaline at night is Yoga, and it really relaxes your mind and body and that in turn will make you feel more comfortable about getting a good nights sleep.


  • What motivates you? What keeps you going? 


The passion for it really and the fact I worked so hard for it (and continue to do so), that alone makes it easy to stay motivated and seeing the progress along the way also helps a lot.


  • Are you a positive thinker? How do you stay positive? 


Not really if I’m honest as I feel that I prepare myself for worst case scenarios when I have no reason to do so. However I try to keep positive for other people like friends and family and people who I work with on various projects, as I feel that its hard enough for Artists to remain positive these days so anyone who keeps positive with them is a help.


  • Have you experienced any tough times personally that you’d be okay talking about? If so, how are you/did you get through this. 


Through 2011-2013 I fell really ill with health and social anxiety problems which got really bad and to the point that I refused to leave the house, and that was worse as I was in the middle of a three year University degree at the time. As far as getting through it, just a lot of patience from family members and a very good friend of mine and a very good doctor that helped me through it. Mental illness is something you can never really keep under control on your own, its so important you have a supportive community of people around you to help you through it.


  • What does running a record label mean for you? Why do you do it? 


Its something I have wanted to do for a very long time, along with mixing and producing bands, and being able to do both is really cool. Also its really good to help people get in that first step in their careers and to be involved with creative people.


  • Any other projects musical or otherwise on the go? What plans for the future do you have for Coffee Jingle records? I know you have a new release on the label just a few days old. 


Yeah I have recently released The Devils Music debut album, which is a metal project founded by Daniel Finch, who also founded Devilment. As regards to the future? I would love to team up with another label, possibly in America as there is strength in numbers and it would make sense to team up with someone who is already doing what I am doing. Also looking into the world of subscriptions and being more active on my YouTube channel.


  • Sounds like the wheels are turning. Ok, last question. What would you say to anyone reading who is struggling with their mental health, or finding life tough at the moment? 


Talk to someone about it, in my own experience this is best done by telling a trusted family doctor or family members. I know its easier said then done but bottling it up is only going to make it worse and if It goes untreated or undiagnosed, then it can get much worse and you will be left frustrated that it wasn’t spoken about earlier and treated earlier.


  • Thank you Martin for taking the time to talk with us. I look forward to listening to the new release from ‘The devils music’ and will keep an ear out for upcoming music from your label.


Pleasure 🙂



Coffee Jingle records can be found here –

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